What is a screenshot 
A “screenshot” is the term used to describe the action of capturing what is currently displayed on your computer screen.
Screenshots are handy for when you want to show someone an error on your screen. (Some people that do not know about this function takes a photo of the screen)
It is just one of those simple, cool things that makes life easier. There are a couple of different methods. Just in case you didn’t know how to do it, here is a quick how to.
Full Screen
The most common way to screenshot the full screen, simply tap the PrtScn key. This works for all versions of Windows. By tapping the PrtScn key it captures the entire screen to your system clipboard. You can now paste the screen grab contents into a program such as Microsoft Paint, Microsoft Word, Emails etc. You can do an easy paste by using Ctrl + V or if you prefer to use a mouse, Edit > Paste. Right click > paste also does the same.
Windows Key + Print Screen
To take a screenshot of your entire screen, tap the Windows Key + PrtScn. Your screen will briefly go dim to indicate that you’ve just taken a screenshot, and the screenshot will be automatically saved in the Pictures > Screenshots folder. This might work different on a laptop, for instance on my HP laptop I use Fn + Windows Key + PrtScn.
Alt + Print Screen
To take a screenshot of the active window, use the keyboard shortcut Alt + PrtScn. This options grabs the current active window and put’s it on the clipboard. You can now paste the screen grab contents into a program such as Microsoft Paint, Microsoft Word, Emails etc. You can do an easy paste by using Ctrl + V or if you prefer to use a mouse, Edit > Paste. Right click paste also does the same.
For more advanced options, Windows comes with a tool called Snipping Tool. Check it out if you need more features.
Screenshots are a great way to demonstrate something that is hard to express in words. Start using it, you will find its use invaluable.