Website page loading time a factor in Google rank

Website page loading time Website Maintenance

Did you know your website page loading time is a Google ranking factor? Google is all about user experience, if your website is slow you will be penalised.

It is no secret that Google is all about efficiency, performance and awesome customer experience. Google knows that to give the user a good experience they shouldn't be waiting.

A fast site will retain users, a slow site will chase them away, simple as that. If you care about retaining your website visitors then it makes sense to optimise your website speed.

How Fast Should Your Website Page Loading Time Be In 2017?

The  desktop version of your site on a decent internet connection should load within 2 seconds.  This is the acceptable figure to maintain visitors. At 4 seconds you have lost 25% of your visitors and at 10 seconds you would have lost almost 50% of your site visitors.

Google provides a web performance tool, use it to get an indication of your website performance.

Recent Case Studies on Site Speed Performance recorded a 7% positive rise in conversions after improving the render time of web pages by 68%, reducing page bloat by 46% and reducing load time by 64%.

A presentation by claimed they reduced load time for their pages by 36% and recorded a 10.5% increase in orders and a 27% increase in conversion rates for new customers. increased impressions and user profile scroll interactions by simply speeding up their site.

How Can You Speed Up Your Website?

Server Guru has the experience to make your website faster, safer and more secure. We have a website maintenance plan with the following features:

  • Automated offsite backups of your website
  • Malware protection and firewall
  • WordPress and plugin updates
  • Analyse logs and events
  • Optimise website speed

Do everything in your power to increase the loading speed of your website. Google loves fast websites and so does your website visitors.